Research papers and creative formats written and created during my Bachelor of Dance in Education and my Master of Anthroplogy.
Main focus: embodied knowledge, phenomenology, arts-based research, multisensory ethnography, multisensory artistic research, soundscapes, more-than-human sociality, constructs of nature
Research papers
click on the image for summaries & visuals >>>
2021: Master thesis (anthropology) on the social and cultural relationships of mountainbikers, using kinesthetic fieldwork analysis and soundscaping methods
(in Dutch, for English see gallery on the right)
2020: Pre-master thesis (anthropology) on relationships between human and mountain in India (theoretical) + exploration of arts-based methods (practical, see gallery below)
2019: Bachelor thesis dance as a tool for enhancing intercultural communication between Dutch-born residents and new residents with a migration background
2018: Artistic-theoretical research on the embodied audience experience, building on phenomenology and Bertolt Brecht’s Verfremdungseffekten (see De Meisjes)