Research papers (’18-’21)

Research papers and creative formats written and created during my Bachelor of Dance in Education and my Master of Anthroplogy.

Main focus: embodied knowledge, phenomenology, arts-based research, multisensory ethnography, multisensory artistic research, soundscapes, more-than-human sociality, constructs of nature


Research papers

 click on the image for summaries & visuals >>>

2021: Master thesis (anthropology) on the social and cultural relationships of mountainbikers, using kinesthetic fieldwork analysis and soundscaping methods

(in Dutch, for English see gallery on the right)

                     mini podcast (Dutch)

2020: Pre-master thesis (anthropology) on relationships between human and mountain in India (theoretical) + exploration of arts-based methods (practical, see gallery below)

2019: Bachelor thesis dance as a tool for enhancing intercultural communication between Dutch-born residents and new residents with a migration background

2018: Artistic-theoretical research on the embodied audience experience, building on phenomenology and Bertolt Brecht’s Verfremdungseffekten (see De Meisjes)